Re: A question not just for Natasha and Muse but everyone...

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 19:42:27 MDT

> writes:
> > Maybe nan will make it possibel to just program your hair and makeup, and
> > with nodes we can plug in a play sax overnight and retro will become a
> > reality!...

Ill donate the sax playing module, but havent a clue what to do with
the hair and makeup thing... {8^D

Ive missed the laughter while I was on vacation. Extropians, you
are the most entertaining bunch of folks on the entire internet. Extremely
hilarious. {8^D Even the notorious fighters are entertaining in
their own way. Its great to be back.

Oh, heres one for ya: I didnt touch a keyboard for almost 2
weeks and the wrists actually got worse during the end of
that time. Ive long suspected there are other causes more
important than keyboard use. eh Eliezer? spike

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