Re: MED/NEURO: Human trials of spinal nerve regeneration in ~1 year?

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 09:33:48 MDT

From: Brian Manning Delaney <>
>> Too bad the FDA will probably ditch the
>> project in the US.
>Eh? Why would the FDA ditch the project? Anti-Semitism?
>(Proneuron is Israeli.) That don't make no sense. The FDA itself
>is run by Jews (since it's part of Z.O.G., Zionist Occupation
>Government), and is integral in Jewish attempts to increase the
>power of the UN, which will soon allow Jewish-run businesses
>greater access to foreign markets, Christian babies, etc., etc.,

FDA suspends gene therapy studies

WASHINGTON (AP) - The government has ordered Schering-Plough Corp. to
temporarily halt two gene therapy studies because the research is
designed similarly to a Pennsylvania experiment in which a teen-ager
died last month. No one yet knows what killed Jesse Gelsinger, 18, of
Tucson, Ariz. Just four days before his death, University of
Pennsylvania scientists had placed healthy genes in his liver to
combat a rare metabolic disease. Penn's study has been halted while
scientists there, along with federal regulators, try to determine
what went wrong. The Food and Drug Administration decision late
Friday halts two separate experiments by Schering-Plough to try gene
therapy as a treatment for liver cancer and for colorectal cancer
that spreads to the liver.

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