Re: Sociopaths (was Re: Reforming Education)

From: Patrick Wilken (
Date: Sun Oct 10 1999 - 23:25:39 MDT

> to follow this path of inquiry a little more, is it not lead-pipe blunt
> honesty to openly treat people as objects to be manipulated? and how,
> exactly, is 'treating people as other living beings like oneself'
> incompatible with 'treating people as objects to be manipulated'?

What's honest about it? You either treat people as objects
or you don't. Some people do some people don't. I am not
even sure choice comes into to a large degree.

The way you describe yourself does make you sound like you
would be classified as having one or another of the personality
disorders as defined by DSM-IV. Of course Aspergis (high-
functioning autistics) also tend to treat people as if they
were objects.

Its a logical falicy to believe that acting in one's own
interests also implies that you must treat other's as
objects to be manipulated.

best, patrick

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