Re: COMP/NEURO: Images Extracted from Cat Brain

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Sun Oct 10 1999 - 09:21:43 MDT

Matt Gingell wrote:
> I find the notion that there exists some universal 'language of mind'
> encoding system underlying cognition extremely implausible. It seems
> much more likely that each individual's representation system is highly
> idiosyncratic. If everyone's high-level codes are different, the
> prospects for wire-to-brain interfaces seem bleak.

Yes, that's the point. Suppose they are idiosyncratic, as unique as the
locations-in-memory of a semantic net. There still have to be certain
regularities that can be used to hook up cognition with the emotional
system, which *is* regular, or at least a lot more regular. If you
figure out what the regularities are, you can use them as an entrance
point into any particular individual's idiosyncratic encoding.

           Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Running on BeOS           Typing in Dvorak          Programming with Patterns
Voting for Libertarians   Heading for Singularity   There Is A Better Way

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