>H MEDIA: "Transhumansit Media & PR Binder" (was:guidelines for transhumanists..)

From: Natasha Vita-More (natasha@natasha.cc)
Date: Sat Oct 09 1999 - 10:45:47 MDT

Getting media attention and delivering a catchy sound bite is essential
when the goal is to expose and promote ideas.

The Transhumanist Media & PR Binder has been active and available for
anyone who is either querying transhumans and transhumanist ideas *and*
also helpful to anyone who is going to be interviewed on TV, print and
documentaries. I have been sending out excerpts from it for several years
and I hope it has been helpful to those who needed information.

Some magazines/papers that have used some of the information from the
Transhumanist Media & PR Binder are Wired, Altantic Monthly, Cosmpolitian,
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, LA Times, etc., and television
shows such as MTV, Larry King Show, Home & Family, ABC and CBS News, and
also various televised documentaries such as PBS, BBC, TLC as well as
independent production companies.

What the Binder does is explain very specifically what transhumanist is all
about and through crisp essays and also has a section on transhumans who
have been in the media (their press kits), and some really great quotes
from transhumans.

I have used this Binder to send out when I am producing an event or
speaking at conferences, as well as being interviewed. My assistant has
also referred to it when he makes cold calls for projects, or deals
directly with the press.

WTA is more than welcome to have this information (I had thought I had
discussed this a year or so ago with Nick, but as I tell him, time is kind
of a passing thing for me, especially living where the seasons don't really
change -:)

Good luck on your media strategy. I think that the more information we
have, the better!



At 12:38 PM 10/6/99 -0400, Kathryn wrote:
>A paper containing basic media strategy as it relates to
>transhumanists is now available. Because this kind of information
>should not be posted where reporters may access it, Nick Bostrom
>and I have decided that it should be requested via email.
>A note will be posted on the WTA website, but anyone who wants it in
>the next few days can write to me by private email for a copy.
>It will be shipped in simple text format via email.
>Please provide feedback or questions! Your feedback will help develop future
>versions of the paper, as well as point to topics for more
>specialized papers.
>Kathryn Aegis
>* If you need to unsubscribe, send email saying "unsubscribe transhuman" *
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>* Please email all technical problems to *
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>* Shameless plug: http://gerol.us.itd.umich.edu/ *

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