Re: A good US webhost

From: Clint O'Dell (
Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 19:21:53 MDT

>From: "O'Regan, Emlyn" <>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: A good US webhost
>Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 10:43:35 +1000
>Hi all,
>A thoroughly mundane question: Can anyone recommend a good (not free)
>webhost for our band's new (vapourware) website, in the US? I'm looking for
>a US webhost (although I'm based in Australia) because most of the net is
>there, and I'll be providing big (5->10meg) mp3 files for download.
>I need something which allows me to do some server side processing, with a
>server side database (msaccess will do, but an actual c/s db would be
>An asp server would also be useful (or perl, but it would be easier for me
>to stay in MS land, boo hiss).
>I need to be able to put a pretty large amount of stuff on the site (100meg
>plus?). Some e-commerce stuff (ie: the ability to sell things) would be
>nice, but is not necessary.
>Any ideas?
>The Land Canaan
>(download some mp3s which are soon to be replaced by our new album:
>and yes, our new website will be better than the site above!!!)

Look into Concentric. I think.
I use to maintain a network for a company in LA that uses them. Never had
any problems and they were quite helpful explaining DSL to me.

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