RE: Reforming Education

From: Clint O'Dell (
Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 16:46:02 MDT

>If you want to reform education, worry about preserving these qualities.
>Start with the earliest years, and work your way up.

How are people controlled? Mass media such as television. That is a great
way to program people! Think about it. We have Family Matters, Sister
Sister, and whatever else is popular these days. These shows act as role
models for the general public. A few hit "role model" shows where children
ask a lot of questions can be portrayed as signs of growing genius and show
how their parents and teachers respond positively to them even when they
don't now the answer. Now I don't recommend making things up like Santa
Clause, the Tooth Fairy, Heaven, and other pipe dreams but to simply say I
don't know but lets see if we can find out. Now that I've mentioned it,
lets bring the public into reality. Openly discuss the non-existence of
santa clause and other fairy tells on childrens programming. When
everyone's in the open about that it won't be long before theist ideas are
torn down either (or at least looked at critically). Then we can all move

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