What are your thoughts on the place of extropianism in history??...

From: john grigg (starman125@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 15:24:19 MDT

Hello everyone,

I wonder sometimes just what the place in history for extropianism and
transhumanism in general will be? I would like to think the founders and
prominent members of it will be hailed as visionaries a century or two down
the road. Perhaps even on a scale similar to the founding fathers of the
United States. I can actually envision historians writing volumes about
transhumanists and how they preceived things and tried to show humanity the
way. I can imagine an early 22nd century bestseller entitled "Max and
Natasha More, the couple that together saw the possibilities of humanity."
And of course biographies of Nick Bostrom, Anders, David Pierce and so many
others. When the multi-volume history of transhumanism comes out I hope to
get an entire paragraph! :) The other possibility is for transhumanism to
simply be a footnote in history but I doubt that.

Of course the science-fiction genre is often praised or critiqued in the
mass media as being the lens that shows us the possibilities of the future.
And indeed I am sure science-fiction has been an inspiration to most
transhumanists and the extropian branch also.

But it is tranhumanism and I think especially the Extropian Institute that
has looked at our present technologies and where we are headed to see that a
magnificiently transformed and wonderful world could be ahead of us though
it would be much more alien then many think. I hope credit is given for
this but perhaps that does not ultimately matter. I would like to think
that the EI is a force of change in our society with the Extro's that draw
top flight speakers and guests from around the world. Natasha, Max and
other prominant transhumanists are also often seen in the mass media getting
the word out. And I read in the cryonet archives how Max More helped the
Life Extension company owners in the fight against the FDA when it desired
to make vitamins and supplements by prescription only.

I am curious to know what each of you think will be the mark on history of
transhumanism and extropianism a century or two down the road? As time
passes of course historians will have more perspective on things. I know we
all want to be humble(at least some of us!) but this movement could be a
little seed that grows into a mighty oak.
How society and historians view the cryonics movement and it's prominent
members a century or two down the road should also be very interesting!


John Grigg

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