To: Katherine Re: the Senescence of Ideas

From: Robert Owen (
Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 14:06:19 MDT wrote:

> In my mind, this is just another instance of supposedly forward-
> looking persons perpuating moldy stereotypes. Time to move on.

If we let "moldy stereotypes" = "Idols", this sounds very
much like "neo-Baconianism". Is this a new world-historic
re-emergence of the fifteenth century revolution that, in
effect, restored Classical Socratic methodology, the
"creative" reductionism of Democritus and Epictetus, and
the mathematical interpretation of information found in
the works of Pythagoras and Plato, who you remember
said: "God eternally geometrizes"? Maybe your theme of
relinquishing obsolete notions ought to be put in the
context of "Novum Organum" as a reminder for those of
us who pretend to "The Scientific Worldview" but have
absentmindedly forgotten its origins

The point being precisely what you suggest: that the
uncritical adherence to ideas, not because they are
wrong, but because they are obsolete and destructive
of "The Advancement of Learning" displays a "hardening
of the categories" symptomatic of nascent brain-death.


Robert M. Owen
The Orion Institute
57 W. Morgan Street
Brevard, NC 28712-3659 USA

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