Re: A question not just for Natasha and Muse but everyone...

Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 09:17:40 MDT

In a message dated 10/5/1999 7:50:15 AM EST, writes:

<< This may be a reflection of a variant personal perspective here, but aren't
 we doing this already? Think about an average week in your own life. Do
 you place yourself into a variety of social and professional situations, in
 each of which you display a particular style variant of your core self?As I
write this, I prepare to go to the office. For that, casual professional
wear, a cool and calm demeanor--the savvy, capable careerist. Then, I'll slip
out for martinis with friends later. For that, jeans and a black shirt, a
relaxed demeanor--we will exchange witty stories and laugh often, maybe flirt
with someone cute. Then, another night, off to a
 philosophical salon, at which I want to wear something neutral and
 nondistracting. I listen carefully and speak only after formulating a
 rational and incisive reply to the discussion. Then--the weekend and Urban
 Explorer Mode for wandering the streets or maybe Weekend Outdoorsman for a
 quick hike through the Shanendoah. And, of course, the internet, where
 words and only words form the aesthetic through which someone would access
 my personality.

    If a given person only saw me in one of those situations, they might form
 an opinion as to my personality or temperament. And, in times past, that
 might be a valid assessment, but human social interactions have developed
 into a complex maze of sucessive encounters based on a particular style
 interface. All of that combines into what Anders calls 'meta-style'.>>

Yes, I do so quite a bit. You're right, we may already be engaging in
primitive meta-style; probably why I find it so attractive. But I think
advances in technology such as nanotech and virtual reality will refine the
process. Imagine being able to change styles by the minute, or having a
program that hybridizes styles based on who you interact with minute by
minute, and inputs a new style should the group you're in become too static.
I'm just thinking this could expand one what we currently do now by figuring
out where we're going next and having to run home and change (and of course
we can guess wrong, and then you're stuck). True, you can do this on the
internet already through word choice, but this would expand that to a full
sensory experience. Yes, we may already be engaging in meta-style, but in a
very crude manner, and I never had a name for I do. Thanks Anders.
Glen Finney

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