Re: Larry Klaes on "Illusions"

From: Robert Owen (
Date: Wed Oct 06 1999 - 12:50:07 MDT

From: Larry Klaes <>


I wish I had time to explore with you the epistemology of
your quotation. At any rate, it expresses my viewpoint
succinctly, and we need, on all Lists and Newsgroups, MORE
of this genre--there is so much naiveté out there, so little
appreciation of the relativistic nature of human perception
and the extent to which we rely on egocentric fictions. A
good dose of, e.g. Hume and Kant might shake some of the
otherwise most sophisticated members out of their culturally
conditioned "dogmatic slumbers"!

"As with so many things in astronomy, the motionless Earth
that we normally perceive - relying on our tiny, limited,
human frames of reference - is an illusion concealing
something far grander."

There is an enormous difference between Science and
"scientism" -- your quotation might help a bit to enhance
the awareness of this dichotomy.

Thank you.

Robert M. Owen
The Orion Institute
57 W. Morgan Street
Brevard, NC 28712-3659 USA

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