RE: >If True, consider the impact

From: Joseph 1 (
Date: Wed Oct 06 1999 - 07:28:46 MDT

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 8:39 AM
> Speed Of Light May Not Be Constant, Physicist Suggests
> nothing has, or can, travel faster. John Moffat of the physics department
> disagrees - light once travelled much faster than it does today,
> he believes.

This canard has been around for years. It's an old Creationist doohickey to
try to explain the "Young Earth Theory" (that the Earth is actually only
6000+ years old). I don't know if Moffat is a Creationist for sure, but I
wouldn't be at all surprised if he was getting a stipend from the Institute
of Creation Science.

Joseph 1 (

Core Sphere Member - NeoSapiens Combine

"NeoSapiens Awaken!"

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