Re: META: barfsome terminology

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Tue Oct 05 1999 - 22:15:33 MDT

Michael S. Lorrey writes:

> Now this makes for another one of those 'only in extropia' type
> pardoxical questions: If you are cryo'ed, then uploaded and then
> downloaded into a freshly cloned body, and you eat your own frozen flesh
> for dinner afterwards, is that cannibalism, since its really just you

Err, you wouldn't want to eat yourself. First, you're obviously no
spring chicken (unless an accident has happened to your young self),
then the periphery is in a more or less pronounced state of decay
because of the process of dying, and large portions of your body mass
now consist of, well, chemicals. Finally, you do not at all look good.

You must be really starved before you can even contemplate
autocannibalism without provoking nausea (blechhh, yuck).

> anyways? If it is, that means that everytime you taste your own blood
> you are a cannibal. Kind of gives new meaning to the saying 'go eat
> yourself.' ;-P

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