Re: Extropian Lifestyle

From: morris Johnson (
Date: Tue Oct 05 1999 - 10:51:30 MDT

As all can tell from the address , I represent the focal point of a small
limited company which wants to move extropian lifestyle into the minds of a lot
of folks who have never heard of either the word or meaning of "Extropian"

Hearing everyone's discussion on numerous facets of an "extropian" world view
(and I'm not saying that a static definition is the end goal) or at least
garmering a snapshot of it emenating from those who profess to embrace some
part of an extropian world view or lifestyle leads me to try to condense
"extropian behavior"
into something I can model some tools -- (ei.nutraceuticals and medical foods)
for in order to assist others to adopt a more extropian lifestyle.

I believe the relatively mew mode of agriculture "Agro Forestry" utilizes more
complexity of individual component systems while counterbalancing with the
establishment of a simple unique ecosystem.

I believe that complex combinatorial chemistry that accompanies nutraceutical
and medical foods is balanced off by simplicity and ease of delivery without
adoption of the pills, potions and herbs indicative of the lifestyle paradigm
of the health food fadists of the 70's and 80's.

To that end I have created and am putting out for public display near the end
of this month my first product....this will hopefully be the beginning of
something which will support ourselves in business as well as point the general
public toward a new and hopefully more satisfying lifestyle.

Attached is a silly little bio.... this is something my wife and I have
submitted to our community history book.... and will serve as some reference
point to those who might ask questions about EAV.

Clint O'Dell wrote:

> Zahir Alpaslan wrote:
> >For the body, I am training for ironman. For the mind, I am not
> >watching TV. Instead of watching how other people live, I think you should
> >just live your own life as fully as possible.
> Then you may miss out in an opportunity to improve the way you live.
> Perhaps someone you observe has a better way.
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