Re: A question not just for Natasha and Muse but everyone...

Date: Tue Oct 05 1999 - 03:37:41 MDT

In a message dated 10/4/1999 8:22:13 AM EST, writes:

<< writes:
> Maybe nan will make it possibel to just program your hair and makeup, and
> with nodes we can plug in a play sax overnight and retro will become a
> reality!
> ( like in The Mask, you put on the thing and your cool)
 Maybe the next logical step would be not how stylish you are -
 everybody is stylish thanks to downloadable skills and appearance -
 but which style you have, how well it interacts with the other styles
 around you and your circumstances. In short, meta-style. >>

    Meta-style....yeah, I like that, I like that a lot. You might use your
personal style as your base, and then adapt from there to integrate with the
styles in the social situation. It would be a merging of styles, creating
something new, yet organic. That might indeed be fun. I would still want to
on occasion try complete immersion in the style of others, and probably would
often touch base with my own concept of style, immersing myself in the
environment I consider most me (or most in keeping with my mood). But
meta-style would be where we all meet and learn from one another.

Glen Finney

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