Re: Should we be developing nonlethal means of self-defense?(wasre:violence)

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Sun Oct 03 1999 - 23:56:18 MDT

Inasmuch is this different from a vanilla sensoric deprivation

And what prevents the "victim" from supplying any autostimulation it
needs? Unless you apply spinal anaesthesia, of course. Hmm. Food for

Michael S. Lorrey writes:

> No, not the 'Chinese water torture'. This method suspends the prisoner
> in the middle of a pool, no light, weighted so as to be neutrally
> bouyant in the middle of the pool, not at the surface, not on the
> bottom. Air supply, microphone and earphones are provided. After a few
> minutes the subject starts talking to themselves "i can deal with this,
> this is easy... blah blah..". After about an hour or so all prisoners
> invaribly start whimpering. This is the point where you can start
> talking to them, programming them. Manchurian Candidate stuff.
> Apparently if you leave the prisoner in for more than 8 hours they are a
> vegetable for the rest of their lives...

8 h is a bit long for a sensory deprivation experiment, but it don't
think it will result in any lasting damage. What are your sources,
Mike? (Better, don't tell, since then you'd have to kill us).

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