Son of Star Wars [was Re: Edwards base launch (L.A. area)]

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sat Oct 02 1999 - 23:29:52 MDT

On Sun, 3 Oct 1999, Patrick Wilken wrote:

> >
> > It was a Vandenburg Minuteman II launch, its the first test of the Star
> > Wars system.
> I thought Star Wars was scraped as unworkable. I has
> thought Clinton must have killed the project when he
> got into office. OK so much for my naivette. What is
> the real story?

What got scrapped was the idea that you could defend against
a full scale attack from a major superpower and/or the use
of a space-based defense. The program has continued as a
ground-based, anti-missle missle program from the perspective
of defense against accidental "single" launches as well as
small scale attacks by WoMD from countries such as North Korea.

Its not a universal solution to the global problem, but a
relatively specific solution to a relatively specific problem.
I think the experience with the Gulf War basically showed that
that there is a strategy that "might" successfully include
defense against small numbers of missles.

Clinton might be moderatly "anti-defense", but he is really
afraid of getting 'held-up' by some petty dictator threatening
to lob a missle with Anthrax spores onto a major city. No
matter how anti-defense you are, no president is going to put
himself in the position of getting held up by a 2-bit thug
if he knows (or his critics could even suggest that we might
have had the technology) to prevent it.

The real problem is that the knowledge (and cost) for both
intermediate range rockets and biological weapons is coming
within the price range of dozens of countries (those with
populations of 10's of millions). You can't defend yourself
against someone with equal resources, but you can make a
pretty good effort for defending yourself against someone
with 1-2 orders of magnitude less resources.


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