Re: camera tech for crime prevention

Date: Sat Oct 02 1999 - 20:40:42 MDT

In a message dated 10/2/1999 12:03:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< The problem with ubiquitous cameras is one of privacy. Making the world
 crime-free is not that difficult for societies willing to implement
 programs of preventative restraint. Your argument of, "if you have
 nothing to hide, then you surely won't mind if we randomly search your
 property, tap your phone, monitor your e mail, or film your every move",
 is not only fallacious, it's vapid. You would appear to be the one who
 is afraid; fearful enough to sell out your 4th ammendment rights in the
 name of *safety*. I suggest you move to Singapore; you'll find others
 there who share your views about the sanctity of safety.

     I think the goals of freedom and safety can often conflict (but can also
synergize). The porblem with the old, "If you have nothing to hide, then it
should be okay for us to look," is that you may have something to hide, but
that doesn't mean that it is a bad thing. How about work in progress?
Sometimes you want to wait to have a finished product before revealing it to
the world. Sometimes, something might happen that while innocuous, might be
a little embarrassing if aired. If we had the kind of culture that was
accepting of all the little foibles of humanity, then that wouldn't be as
much of a problem. But who wants a competitor to get a hold of a blooper
reel and play it during your business negotiations? Yes, it shouldn't make a
difference, but it does have a psychological effect. And sometimes you might
very well be doing or planning something that society disapproves of, but
that you believe is right. How many states in the US still have sodomy laws
on the books? And how many people, (even traditional married couples in
their own bedrooms) could be imprisoned for it? True, we can put limits on
it, but I just wanted to point out that there are valid reasons for privacy.
Then again, maybe it would make us face some societal hangups and hypocracy
if EVERYONE was held up to the same light (but you just know someone is gonna
beat the system).

Glen Finney

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