Re: CORRECTION: Re: Camera tech crime prevention

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sat Oct 02 1999 - 12:17:44 MDT

den Otter wrote:
> ----------
> > From: Michael S. Lorrey <>
> > > I'm glad that the surveillance meme is finally
> > > catching on; it's a relatively simple and extropic way to "make the
> > > world a better place".
> >
> > I for one think its not an extropic way. It is a transhumanist way. The
> > difference being that this is more of a borganistic idea than an
> > extropian one.
> Hmm, even if it [the surveillance] is private and distributed?
> Surely that could count as an expression of spontaneous
> order?

I don't care if half of the population is made up of busybody
tattletales who think this is a good thing. Tell me, how many of you
people actually care for the busybody tattltales you've met in your
life? None? Well, what you are talking about is making everybody hate
everybody, everybody afraid of everybody. Contrary to earlier comments
from Spike and den, it won't only be criminals who will be afraid of
observation, it will also be people trying to get out of bad
relationships being observed on by their tormentors, adding fuel to the
fire, and will likely increase domestic violence. It will also be
employees trying to go to interviews at potential new jobs, and having
their current employer observe this, which will obviously make the
situation difficult for those with abusive or overbearing 'empire
builder' type bosses.

Also, there will also be the current pariah of the moment, you know,
those people that the public opinion and media hysteria sensationalizes
a fury of public hate for. If you think the system will not be abused by
people seeking to spy on and persecute the public pariah of the moment,
you are kidding yourself.

Mike Lorrey

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