getting very hungry on a diet may be counterproductive

From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Fri Oct 01 1999 - 09:59:50 MDT

  Lawton CL. Burley VJ. Wales JK. Blundell JE.
  Department of Psychology, University of Leeds, UK.
  Dietary fat and appetite control in obese
  subjects: weak effects on satiation and satiety.
  International Journal of Obesity & Related Metabolic Disorders.
  17(7):409-16, 1993 Jul.
  The present study assessed the capacity of both high fat and high
  carbohydrate (CHO) foods to lead to overconsumption in 12 obese women (mean
  BMI = 42 kg/m2). Subjects were provided with either a low (527 kcal) or high
  (985 kcal) energy meal at midday. Energy intake was then measured in a later
  ad libitum dinner meal in which subjects ate from a range of either high fat
  or high CHO foods. Energy intake following exposure to these meals was then
  assessed using food intake diary records which were kept for the rest of the
  day and for the following 24 h. The energy manipulations at lunch gave rise
  to different levels in the rated intensity of hunger. At the dinner meal
  subjects consumed an average of 937 kcal following the high energy lunch and
  1026 kcal following the low energy lunch (an increase of 10%). However,
  average intake from the high CHO dinner meal was only 677 kcal compared to
  1336 kcal from the high fat dinner meal (an increase of 97%). Consequently
  the most important variable influencing dinner meal size was not level of
  hunger but the nutrient content of the range of foods consumed. Analysis of
  dinner meal intake revealed a significant interaction between lunch meal size
  and dinner meal type. This means that when hunger level was high subjects
  over-ate on the high fat but not the high CHO foods. Average post-dinner
  intakes following the high fat and high CHO meals did not differ
  significantly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  Additional note by poster:

    Other research has found that the dietary fat/carb ratio has no
  effect on calorie intake, that is not mediated by caloric density. This
  abstract describes a high density meal, which also happens to be high
  fat. My take on this is that it is likely to be counterproductive to get
  too hungry on a diet.

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