Re: Should we be developing nonlethal means of self-defense?(wasre:violence)

Date: Fri Oct 01 1999 - 03:46:08 MDT


   Sorry, little confused about your post. Although this subject developed
from one which was about the gun issue, I would say that we are currently
focused on the feasability of providing a nonlethal means of protection from
violence. Granted, this is related to the gun issue as a nonlethal weapon
may prove a good alternative to firearms or have to be able to subdue an
aggressor armed with guns, I would say it is applicable to all forms of
threatened violence. While I appreciate that many people are tired of the
gun debate, the idea of providing nonlethal weapons for personal protection
is one that I find important, and I have gotten a lot of good feedback from
people here on the list, which I'm not sure I would have received elsewhere.
If after further consideration, you still are unhappy with this subject, I
would hope you could simply choose not to read those messages posted under
this subject heading (though of course it would sadden me to lose your
possible future participation should a point come up you might want to
contribute to).

Thanks for your time,

Glen Finney

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