Re: A question not just for Natasha and Muse but everyone...

From: Bryan Moss (
Date: Thu Sep 30 1999 - 14:17:30 MDT

John Grigg wrote:

> My question for everyone is were you to come into a great deal of money
> and create your own club/restaurant in the present day how would you go
> about it? The building architecture? What would the interior decor be
> like? The dress of employees?

First I'd build a REAL BIG shaft. Then I'd build my club as a torus that
would move up and down this shaft. Once everyone's inside the club it would
begin to move upwards, slowly enough that the movement cannot be felt. Late
into the night, when the club has reached the top, the floor would turn
transparent revealing the sprawling city far below. All music would stop,
there would be several minutes silence and then the countdown would begin.
Five... four... three... two... one... the club would then drop creating
several minutes of zero-g free fall. The club would come to a stop near the
botton and the whole process would start again.

Drinks would have to be packaged in special containers and we'd have to
avoid sharp pointed objects and glass for those people who do not manage to
make a graceful landing. Interior decor... we could have bean bag style
seating of different colours, perhaps some that glow, and these could float
during free fall, it wouldn't really matter where they landed (perhaps they
could have shapes that only become apparent in the absense of gravity).


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