Sublimation and science and art (was Re: Balzac's hairy palms (was Robin's Arts Post))

From: Brian Manning Delaney (
Date: Thu Sep 30 1999 - 12:40:15 MDT wrote:

> Might be time to take this to [personal e-mail]
> or at least change the subject line boys

Nadia, girl, I'm sorry a few one-liners prevented you -- or so
it would appear -- from appreciating the importance of the topic
I originally raised: is post-maturational sublimation possible?

Further, is sublimation a requirement of art? If it is, will
science's ability to give us direct fulfillment of our needs
eliminate art?

(Questions about fundamentals are, I suppose, impolite, or
perhaps just invisible. Oh well.)

With affection,

Brian Manning Delaney
(No need to CC replies to me.)

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