Paranoia of the alien

From: Larry Klaes (
Date: Wed Sep 29 1999 - 12:13:21 MDT

>This news reporter is of the obvious opinion that
>any ETI out there may take one look at Earth and
>get that conquerin' feeling, just like us old
>humans often do to each other.
>I continue to maintain that if aliens were truly out
>to "get" us, they either would have done so by now
>or they could still do so with very little resistance
>just by dropping a few well-aimed space rocks and ice
>balls at our major population centers and waiting for
>the dust to settle.
>But with such a vast galaxy - to say nothing of the
>Universe as a whole - and all its resources, what would
>an alien race want with us beyond curiosity of another
>intelligent species?

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