PHYSICS/SPACE: Gravity/Time broken?

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Wed Sep 29 1999 - 12:03:25 MDT

An intersting item showed up on Slashdot regarding the
fact that the Pioneer probes & Ulysses probes are not
where they are "supposed" to be.

URL is:
/. is:
LANL Preprint:

It isn't clear to me from reading the news article whether they
have some good explanations for the variances and the
the people who discovered the problem aren't willing to accept
them or whether they really still have a problem.

What is clear that the physicists are beating their head
against the wall since they don't want to believe that
something is wrong with the theories of gravity or time...

Anybody know if there is an MP3 file on the net for the
Twilight Zone or Outer Limits music???


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