Re: Netiquette 80

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Wed Sep 29 1999 - 10:31:15 MDT

Re: Brian, Spike & John's comments:

Well, I'm one of those turkeys using pine, and my window is almost
always set to 80 cols. I try to minimize the copies of the previous
post, except when the discussion is going point/counter-point. I
usually even go to the trouble of reformatting the lines when the
chevrons push them over the edge... Do I get extra points for this?

Now, the reason I'm a turkey is because in this day and age I
should be reading this all in hypertext and all of those line
wrap problems would simply disapper. I think having some
reformating of the messages so everything is pretty will be
on my wish list for the new server.

Oh, and one thing to consider with regard to line overruns is that
it may be due to the font the message is sent in. If you are
typing in variable width fonts and they are being received in fixed
width, the message is going to look pretty messy.


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