Re: Women, fire, and dangerous things

Date: Tue Sep 28 1999 - 08:55:27 MDT

In a message dated 9/28/1999 6:51:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Sounds awfully like the 1950s to me. Sounds like Angry White Male
 Syndrome, where everyone is out to get Person X. Sounds like a good way to
 create a hostile environment for a lot of people out there who might want
 to make a contribution to transhumanism someday.
 Kathryn Aegis >>

speakin' of hostile... jeez.....
 this thread is like the gun thread... it repeats it's pattern, and it's
always the same pattern, always the smae people, always the same go around...

 As one Person X from L.A. said: "can't we all just get along?"
bhrhaha harrrher

I am gonna be forced off the list - not by sexism, but by boredom!!!!!!!!

: )

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