Re: Art as adaptation (WAS: Robin's Arts Post)

Date: Mon Sep 27 1999 - 19:57:17 MDT

In a message dated 9/27/1999 5:47:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< I've also come to the same conclusion, from a completely different
 starting point - I observe that in most/many/all cases where there's a
 perception of "beauty", it seems to be involved in attracting mates -
 poetry (typical lovesick >>( snipety-snip)

You site a narrow definition of beauty. Especially the music industry and
Madison Ave. would eagerly agree with that definition, for purposes of
manipulation and acumulation of dollar signs... David Geffen knows only that
type of beauty, I'd imagine...

Cultural memes differ.

Beauty to the Navajo is a sense of harmony, unity and peace with your
surroundings. Beauty in the sense of "being a part of" something , not
"feeling an attraction to" something.

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