Re: Extropic Art: Re: Why?

Date: Sun Sep 26 1999 - 13:33:10 MDT

In a message dated 9/25/1999 9:26:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< However, what I have never heard among artists of any variety (and
 I, of course, do *not* stand outside that picture) is a rational
 explanation for mankind's inclination to create art. >>

E-shaun - first of all Extropic Artist Natasha Vita More has been here since
you arrived DAY ONE, and I think her lectures & posts give a candid look at
motive for creativity that is quite rational.Get a copy of her latest book
and read it.

 Where've you been, we've been rehashing this for two years or more.

 Then.... read some De Bono.. or that unpronouncable guy who wrote the book
called "Flow"... Mycksyly Cznertkywsjhally or whatever it is... There's a ton
of literature out there on the subject (N, send him a book list)

 Second, MY OPINION: most artists dont need a rational to do art. THey really
don;t give a rat's ass what you think or why they do it, they juast work
pedal to the medal.
you know, like the Nike ads: JUST DO IT!
I am not one of those people who thinks art SHOULD be rational, in fact I
find it a respite from that odious adjective, but if you want it to be
rational, then have at it.
Ayn Rand made a total bozo out of herself trying to do just that.
Now, quit flogging a dead horse and get to work -- writing a poem or

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