software and market inefficiency

From: Gregory Hather (
Date: Sat Sep 25 1999 - 22:00:12 MDT

The current method of selling software is ineficient. Since producing
an aditional copy of software costs nothing, the best distribution
method is to let eveyone be able to use it. The current system prevents
this by charging people based on whether they buy it or not. Here is a
way that might solve the problem.

Some organization provides a service to all its members. The members
have acsess to a software library and are charged a fixed rate per
month. Thus, people would enjoy the benifits of the software that they
were too cheap to actualy buy. If they quit the group, all of the
software they downloaded stops working. The organization gets permision
from the software producers by paying an amount proportional to the
number of members in the group.

If someone were to create the first software library with this new means
of information comerce, they just might get rich.

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