Extropic Art: Re: Why? (was R' Arts Post (Was Re: Extropic Flare In NY

From: QueeneMUSE@aol.com
Date: Sat Sep 25 1999 - 19:26:58 MDT

E-shaun begins by asking.......

>An even deeper question
>(and one which I have never been able to answer for myself) is *why* an
>artist creates in the first place.

>>It is like this creative intelligence growing in the brain that
        signals through the capillaries to the intricate network of the body

        from the esophagus down through to the "gut" and causing a wonderful    
        ache,  a anxiously awaited joy to express!
Well put, indeed. And to me also almost an erotic satisfaction, a euphoria 
that occurs when I am in that state, sometimes to the point where I have to 
almost stop working out of overwhelm.
I believe other arts besides 'art' probably cause that kind of euphoria, i 
have heard it expressed by mathematicians and musicans as well.
 > Is it to prove one's ability? 
     >> Natasha:
        >>If I produce a painting -- it is to not to establish to anyone else 
my own
        authenticity or validity.  My work speaks for itself and the emotion 
        expression has its own worth.  
For this Muse,  it is different, I *definetely* paint and create to prove 
myself. Not that I need the approval of *all* people, but if everyone hated 
my work I would be very crushed. I consider myself a very good artist, but I 
like to be seen, heard and liked. 
I need it to survive, almost as much as the money I make from it. It is a 
very important part of my art - validation. I have learned this about myself 
and I therefore put my work in front of the public as much as possible. Which 
is very hard to do for me. Since it matters so very much.... sigh....
 > If so,
 >why is it necessary to attain popular approval for one's own creations?
        >>It isn't necessary.  It is business.  I'm not interested in popular
        approval as much as I am interested in producing work that is 
valuable and
        having my business successful.  To questions the necessity of getting
        approval sure sounds like a very insecure person.  Not good for 
creating or
Damn right, Natasha, and a lot of people think artists don't really  "work".  
I am always hearing "oh how fun that must be"  - fun... hah!!!  Well, 
shee-it, it is none other than, bone-crushing, finger-numbing, back-breaking, 
muscle-building hard-ass physical labor. And if I don't recieve renumerative 
compensation of the highest order, I'd be nuts to do it for a living , given 
the kind of stigmas attached.
 >Why does an artist feel the need to either
 >conform to or react against popular culture?  
    >>I suppose the same reason anyone would conforms or reacts?  It is not a
    prescribed character trait of us artists -:)
Who are you to say what we feel a need to do? I paint pretty things, that 
have nothing to do with pop culture, then I blatantly offend stutus quo in 
the next breath.
I would sugeest that you re-examine the above statement for bias. What I will 
say is that a lot of artists make their living by tuning in to what is known 
as the "Zeitgeist (SP?)" of a culture ( Pulp Fiction good example) and 
massaging it to make a statement. That 's what it takes to make a buck....
 >And again, what *is* the
 >purpose of art?  
        Imagine a world without it?  Can we get through a day without 
        with art?
Yeah , you might as well ask, what is the purpose of creation, or what is the 
purpose of expression? The purpose of art - of any discipline. What kind of 
art?  Of course I assume you mean visual art: if so are you talking about 
images? Sculpture? Graphic Art? Animation? Tattoos? How about Pageantry? 
Performance? Film? Net.art? Music?  Storytelling? Design? Decoration? 
Clowning? Choreography? Lighting? Theater? Healing? Journalism? ...ad 
infinitum. What a general question.. be more specific. Even popular art is so 
The purpose of "cloisonee ceramics" is very differnent than the purpose of 
"Body piercing". Both are art. ( or, arguably, neither)
 >So when talking
 >about popular art, is there a lowest common denominator of sorts to
 >determine what people will like or want to see?
        >> I'm not sure we can group civilization together so tightly by 
giving a
        one-liner sound bite to "art for civilization's sake."  
Enuff said. Except, I would add, where is this question coming from, and why 
do you ask it. And what -- to you -- is lowest denominator popular art? 
hmm.... for me I woudl say....   Beany Babies?
(snip -- Natasha's good  answer about storytelling)
        >Art and aesthetics and our senses  - seeing, hearing, tasting, 
        smelling, loving are such a sensorial experience.   Let them speak to 
        and dance with us!  OH! Here comes a gllimmer of light across my 
        wall.  Delightful play of elements.
And in well made and well recieved creative '"arts" - you may find that an 
outlet for finely tuned emotion is expressed.. and felt and heard and  played 
with such a love of life that it might even touch you somewher in your core 
essence awake with joy or tears.....
       And again not to hammer in a point, it is a trained ear that hears the 
subtley of beats and the scientific instrument that measures the harmonics... 
 and both are important to understanding the beast...
and maybe a glass of wine will help too... ; )

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