Re: violence...

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sat Sep 25 1999 - 17:44:33 MDT wrote:
> In a message dated 99-09-24 23:19:16 EDT, wrote:
> > According to Encarta ( the area of New
> > Hampshire is 9283 square miles. The area of Mass is 9241 square miles, or
> > virtually the same.
> You sure you're not talking about COUNTIES here?
> [ . . . writing from Texas. . . ]

Ha ha. That is of course measuring the planar area, not the actual
surface area. Since NH is so hilly, as is Vermont, the two together
probably have more surface area than flat Texas, just ast NH, which has
a small strip of coast line between Maine and Mass, that from Maine to
Mass measures about 16 miles in a straight line, when measured by
shoreline we have a couple hundred miles of seacoast.... ;)

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