Re: Art, Environment and Architecture(was)Extropic Flare In NY Art , Scene

From: Eric Watt Forste (
Date: Fri Sep 24 1999 - 12:02:23 MDT writes:
> That wasn't how I pictured his city. When thinking about nan, i
> remember that most of today's conditions will be far removed from
> what they are today. For example "underground" could be a light,
> airy, lucid place, due to the manipulation of matter. Right now,
> it is dark, dank, and oppressive. But so are today's cities!

Well, I suppose you could get an effect rather like a large
shopping mall underground. But I wouldn't describe my
experience of the cities I've enjoyed most as dark, dank, and
oppressive. I really like being outdoors, in urban environments
as well as rural ones, and if I'm lucky enough to be able to
leave this planet, I'll probably have to give up most of that
particular experience at that time, so I'm not eager to give it
up any earlier.


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