Re: Nanovation Technologies [Was: Nanogirl News)

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Fri Sep 24 1999 - 04:31:44 MDT

On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Max More wrote:

> At 01:36 PM 9/23/99 -0700, Robert Bradbury wrote:
> >
> >On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Max More wrote:
> >
> Robert, please be careful with your attributions. I did not *write* the
> above--I *quoted* Gina's quotation of the article. So please re-direct your
> "horse puckies"!

Apologies if this was misattributed. I was mainly intending to comment
on Markman's column that you referenced ( as well
as comments on the Nanovation pages.

[As a more general comment, I'll simply state that interpreting letters
in hypertext as non-hypertext is probably an error prone process so
until we all have a common set of tools that interprets both or
we have a better interface in general, mistakes may get made.
So I guess both care and tolerance are suggested.]

> The issue of digial gridlock is interesting from the point of view of an
> investor looking for opportunities.

True, and in that respect, high frequency (GHz) radio for the last
mile seems quite interesting.

> I agree with your two points about, if we're talking about *net* gridlock
> (which is probably what the above quote means), but that's not the
> *only* kind of gridlock. I have not personally examined what Nanovation
> is up to, so I don't know whether or not it's really addressing gridlock
> internal to computer systems.

Nanovation is directly trying to address telecommunications bottlenecks
and perhaps to a lesser degree computer bottlenecks. I get bent
when news (based on corporate press) excessively promote a solution to
a problem which (to me) seems nonexistent [i.e. net gridlock].

> Yes, there are such areas of gridlock or bottlenecks. (Which I'm glad
> to hear that Intel is boosting bus rates and not just microprocessors
> while I put off buying a new computer...) >

Putting off buying a new computer seems to make a huge amount of sense
now-a-days. However, no matter how much they boost bus speeds, the
processor clock speeds will be boosted faster. The Memory(bus)-to-Processor
speed gap *IS* the fundamental problem in computer architectures at
this point and bus speed increases or cache size increases are only
stop-gap measures before the fundamental architectural problem needs
to be addressed. You *either* must go to optical buses (less likely)
or shift the archtecture to processor-in-memory (probably more likely).

> Right. That's one reason I own a little piece of JDS Uniphase -- one of the
> best perfomers in my portolio (or in anyone's portfolio) this year. ETEK
> and other companies are also (more narrowly) working on boosting optical
> capacity.

I'm unfamiliar with the company(s), but if that is their strategy, it
seems very sound to me.


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