Re: violence...

From: m (
Date: Fri Sep 24 1999 - 03:37:56 MDT

--- "Michael S. Lorrey" <> wrote:

> You are so ignorant. I have lived in the city and I
> have lived in the
> country and out in the sticks. I know hunters from
> all walks of life,
> and there is no difference in motivation.
> Sure some
> of the rural hunters
> save money on food during the winter by having
> plenty of venison around,
> but that is not their prime motive, as there are
> plenty of others who do
> not hunt.

Sorry I didn't express myself clearly.
I was referring to hunter-gatherer situations vs those
from places like the US/Australia. A "primitive"
hunter would have the feeding motivation as well as
enjoyment of the hunt itself.
If I was living in the wilds I would have no
compunction about hunting what I needed to eat, if
necessary. I'm not interested in *shooting* things
otherwise though.

> You might argue what you are arguing, but
> the statistics do
> not bear your argument out.

Actually I'd really like to see these. I found stuff
on crime rates at
but this doesn't differentiate between hunters and

> And what is a domestic carnivore? Hannibal Lecter?

:) No, I'd never hire help like that!
I was thinking of ferrets, etc. With ferrets as an
example,those that have been trained to hunt tend to
be more aggressive than those raised purely as pets.
Of course a lot of this might be related to their
general treatment. And a ferret is not a primate. The
further we get away from primates, the more unreliable
an animal model becomes.

I said that one **might** argue that people could get
"blooded" by the experince of killing, not that it was
necessarily true. And people might eventually become
revolted by the process.

In fact my grandfather hunted and shot many kangaroos
(they were considered a pest in Central Queensland),
but eventually renounced it altogether.

> It is not a 'violent' urge that is
> satisfied, you can leave that
> to psychopaths. What is resolved is a release of
> stress, a resolution of
> a contest, the most basic contest our evolved bodies
> know of.

> You ignore
> human evolution at your own peril.

OK "violent urge" was a bit lurid, that was prompted
thinking about killing in particular.

Do our instincts have to be satisfied by killing,
necessarily, or just the activity of tracking and
pursuit? Pursuit can indeed be stimulating, I think we
*do* have this in our bones.
Having worked as a volunteer rural fire fighter, it
seems there can even be a sort of "hunt mentality"
involved with tracking down and fighting a fire.

A wildlife photographer is also involved in a hunt of
a sort, certainly they have to track their quarry, lie
in wait for it, second guess it, etc.

I did *not* advocate ignorance of human evolution.
It's how you deal with it.

But you cannot ignore all the other factors
influencing behaviour. Merely reducing it instincts
and g*n laws
isn't enough.


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