Re: violence...

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Fri Sep 24 1999 - 01:24:07 MDT

On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:

> From my experience it has little to do with being hungry. Its a matter
> of working the brain in its natural environment, giving it a complex
> problem of tracking and stalking another creature that has been evolved
> to avoid your best efforts. Making the kill at that point may or may not
> be necessary.

It is interesting, for me to notice my own tendency to translate a
hunter/gatherer mindset from animals to the opposite sex. I have
little interest in tracking or killing a wild animal (perhaps because
I have little experience with whether or not they are a challenge).
However, "stalking" a woman is an interesting challenge. I know
women who have similar perspectives with regard to men. For me,
making the "kill" has definite "responsibility" consequences,
so you have to consider carefully *exactly* what you want as proof
of a successful hunt.

> I'm sure the exercise, the totally immersed environment might have a
> contributing factor, as its a much higher bandwidth input than any
> simulator game, but the hunt is the real fun.

By this argument, you must then accept that is is not the reality
of the hunting/violence per se, but the *perception* of that experience
that you desire.

> As Lazarus Long said, "I've had the most fun when I wasn't sure
> where my next meal was coming from."

Clearly, lack of fullfillment of basic needs sharpens the experience.
Generally speaking the average human in Western cultures in this day
and age lives in an environment of very "dull" expriences. Hunting
is perhaps an expression of the desire to recapture the vividness
of the reality that we evolved in.


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