Congratulations to 21st Century Medicine!!

From: john grigg (
Date: Thu Sep 23 1999 - 13:59:21 MDT

Hello everyone,

I looked over the patent for 21st Century Medicine's research developments
and must say I am VERY IMPRESSED!!! I congratulate those who made it

>From the patent document:
                             FINAL COOLING RATE
    ORGAN (AT C.)
                             (AT C.)
    Kidney C./min.
    Liver C./min.
    Brain C./min.
    Body C./min.

The cooling rates shown in Table III are more than ten times greater than
can be achieved by previous external cooling methods.
Such rapid cooling will allow significant decreases in the concentration of
cryoprotectants needed to vitrify, enhancing the prospects
for successful cryopreservation of organs with non-toxic CPA mixtures. These
cooling rates also for the first time open the possibility
of vitrifying whole humans.

(Later at the conclusion)

The method of the present invention allows cooling and subsequent rewarming
from temperatures lower than C. at
rates exceeding C. per minute for some organs. These rates are
much higher than can be achieved by external heat
transfer methods, and will allow significant reduction of the concentration
of cryoprotective agents needed to achieve reversible
vitrification of organs for long-term banking. Heat transfer by inert fluid
perfusion is also beneficial for reducing ice crystal damage
and cryoprotectant toxicity during ordinary freezing and thawing.

The present invention also provides a class of new cryoprotective agent
(glycol ethers) for reduction and prevention of ice formation
during cooling of vascular tissues and organs. Glycol ethers generally, and
methoxylated compounds in particular, are highly
penetrating agents that equilibrate rapidly upon perfusion, and exhibit
strong ice inhibition and glass forming properties. The low
viscosity and freezing point of these compounds also make them well-suited
for sub-zero perfusion to minimize toxic effects.
Toxicities are compatible with the potential use of glycol ethers in
perfusate solutions for reversible cryopreservation of organs and
large organisms by freezing or vitrification.

(End of patent document reproduction)

That cooling rates using these techniques are TEN times faster then in the
past is incredible. And that glycol ethers are far superior penetrating
agents compared to what was used in the past is a major step forward.

"These cooling rates also for the first time open the possibility
of vitrifying whole humans" is a statement in the patent document that made
me wonder when will these new methods in their entirety be used to TRULY
vitrify a human??

And with such a combination of major advances what still needs to be done??
How could things still be improved? What are the possibilities down the
road? What is next for 21st Century Medicine? And how is the Prometheus
Project doing?

I hope the major cryonics providers will all adopt these methods for their
clients. Is 21st Century Medicine working with the various organizations to
bring them up to speed? Just how expensive will it be to offer these

I remember reading in the Cryocare archives a paper by Mike Darwin where he
admitted the major damage suspension did on the cellular level and how so
much still had to be done. Reading his paper took away much of my early
hope in cryonics and a desire that breakthroughs would be made.

But having read through the patent I feel new hope!! Again my
congratulations and thanks to all those who made it possible!! I want to
hug them all!!

I look forward to hearing from you all regarding this patent and my views
and questions about it.


John Grigg

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