Art, Environment and Architecture(was)Extropic Flare In NY Art Scene

Date: Thu Sep 23 1999 - 10:39:14 MDT

In a message dated 9/23/1999 1:43:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< If those Sprite ads had aired ten years ago, the audience might not have
 understood what they were seeing. But today's audiences are more culturally
 literate - the kids in Iowa who watch MTV probably have at least a glancing
 familiarity with Anime, Jackie Chan and Tupac Shakur that makes the
 synthesis more comprehensible to them.

I liked this post.
Anime in general has many mixed technology-organic themes, which is one of
the reasons why I love it so much. Thinking about it now: so does hip-hop
(though much of it involved mixing human voice with prerecorded organic
sound). Mixing genres, is of course, nothing new to pop culture.

One of the reasons why I didn't have much to say regarding those posts about
"NY gallery scenes" -- was I am in no way interested in "hi-brow" ( at least
in the visual art scene). I watch pop culture much more closely.

As I researched architecture for a future cities I found not much else except
Syd Mead and anime. And comix. And the occasional SF book cover. Oh yeah- and
the Fifth Element book ( fremnch edition).

I was forced to go to material that dealt with industrial design and organic
architecture, two fields which utilize the latest materials in creating their
art forms.

As materials become less rigid, designs are becoming more and more *organic*
i.e.: curved & colorful - as opposed to boxy, black, darth vader like
squares of the retro-future.

( PS if anyone has good references for images that deal with what a city
might look like after nan - let me know)

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