Re: violence...

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Thu Sep 23 1999 - 09:47:24 MDT

From: Michael S. Lorrey <>
>You could say that crime is caused by urban compact zones, sort of the
>old rat experiment writ large, but from what I've seen the crime comes
>as a response to busybodies trying to make life miserable for as many
>other people as possible with as many laws and taxes as possible. Cities
>with the most laws and taxes have the most crime... duh....or else that
>city has cops on every street corner... martial law.

Yes indeed, it rather makes one wonder about the true motives of
hyper-legislative socialists (by "socialists" I simply mean those who
believe that government can resolve sociobiological difficulties).
Don't Hong Kong and Singapore have population densities comparable to
Chicago or New York? But the crime rates of the former don't come close to
those of the latter, so over-crowding alone doesn't explain violence. I find
your observation that violent behavior can come about as a response to
busybodies (AKA leftist control freaks) has merit. But except as portrayed
on the big and little screens, I see liberals going postal (or bombing
people) more often than conservatives.
How pathetically ironic that socialist governments, all of which stockpile
weapons of mass destruction, argue against something as basically human as
hunting. Perhaps we can see a clue as to their real motives when we look at
the way they ignore the veritable holocausts caused by their ideology
(Stalin's 30 million victims, for example), while bemoaning the hunting of
animals. The National Socialists of Germany displayed similar enthusiasm for
protecting animals, while treating humans as less than animals. I think Homo
sapiens risks catastrophe as a consequence of ideology in proportion as it
forgets (or willfully ignores) its own primate drives and congenital needs.

Incidentally, did you see the ABC program called "Is America #1"? John
Stossel did a good job of showing why freedom (not natural resources, not
exploitation) explains the extraordinary success of the US.

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