Re: violence...

From: m (
Date: Thu Sep 23 1999 - 00:59:39 MDT

--- "Michael S. Lorrey" <> wrote:
> Bryan Moss wrote:
> >
> > Michael S. Lorrey wrote:


> > Perhaps increased violence is directly related to
> better health care. Just
> > as promiscious sex was (no doubt) increased by the
> introduction of
> > contraceptives. However, because you don't
> (usually) want to get hurt
> > whereas you do (usually) want to get laid, we
> prefer to watch fictional or
> > consensual acts of violence.
> Actually, IMHO, people got laid a lot more and
> talked about it less back
> then than now.

ah, nostalgia :)

> The whole myth of 'saving' one's self
> for marriage was
> only expected of daughters of aristocratic families,
> most other people
> got married with one already in the oven.

I'd agree there is a strong element of keeping the
value of "goods", keeping the breeding lines (and
hence property ) under control.
We really need statistics on this.

> The increased violence is a backlash against the way
> in which the
> societal drift toward a matriarchal society
> manifests itself as a
> fascism of politial correctness toward mens
> traditional recreational
> activities.

Do you really think our (Aust/US/Western) society is
anywhere near a matriarchy?. The majority of power
positions are still held by men. Also most wealth is
still in male hands. If you allow women equal access
to jobs etc, there has to be some change that includes
greater female power than before.

> A centralized agricultural society may
> have been developed
> to work in such a way as to allow a hunting
> recreation, but industrial
> society is not built for man or to permit him to
> fulfill his need for
> the hunt, as illustrated by the prevalence of serial
> killers in the
> urban environment, etc., much of it tries to force
> man into the most
> economically efficient box.

I agree that a lot of violence may come from the
frustrating roles (ie boredom) and some desire to
escape them. Even quite terrible violence might
attract people due to this.

What about satisfying the "hunting" urge
metaphorically, i.e, the intellectual hunt for
knowledge, games, etc?

If you largely relied on wilderness hunting to reduce
urban violence, it might take a pretty high toll on
the environment. There are so many city dwellers these
days, compared to earlier times.

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