Re: "What is Science" FAQ, draft 2

From: Ken Clements (
Date: Tue Sep 21 1999 - 00:03:26 MDT

KPJ wrote:

> Scientists make models on the data they get from the universe using their
> (enhanced or non-enhanced) senses. According to our senses, the data comes
> from an outside world. As far as science is concerned, we could all
> be living in Matrix-like chambers getting all our sense data from an AI.
> Whether the sense data universe ``is'' the ``real'' universe is irrelevant
> to science. Many people believe (religion!) that this holds, however.
> Even scientists do that. That does not make it science, though.
> Science tells us what the (sense) university _does_, not what it ``is''.
> Philosophies and religions discuss the ``is'' part.

"It depends on what your definition of 'is' is." I might also add "The Universe
is as the Universe does", however, I do agree with you for the most part, and
should have been a bit more careful with the "is" part. For most scientists, the
end product is the model. The more that can be predicted by the model, the more
they feel that they have accomplished. And I think the best do have a desire to
know what the Universe "is" but this cannot be complete.

Your comment about being inside Matrix-like chambers is very close to what is
going on in your own head. The part of your brain that thinks about the outside
world does not get the direct sense data, but is given a composite VR by the
autonomic parts of the rest of your brain. You can do little visual experiments
on yourself to see the flaws in the simulation, and researchers learn more by
study of those who have major defects in parts of the system.


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