Re: violence...

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Sep 19 1999 - 13:46:07 MDT

> > I dislike violence, I must confess I do enjoy watching ... I apologize for
> > it in advance, but that bioware is in there. I dont know why, where it
> > came from or how to get rid of it. Suggestions?
> Bryan Moss wrote: Violence isn't the problem - it's just another way of
> conveying information - our attitude towards violence is the problem.

Ja. I can support your contention that violence is a way of conveying
information. That mysterious reptilian lowbrow bioware in my brain that
experiences a strangely pleasant endorphine feedback from a good
evenly-matched contest of fisticuffs is stimulated just as effectively with
a videotaped match as with a live one. In fact, perhaps the videotape
is superior, for then one need not suffer the possible guilt feelings
for actually enjoying witnessing a couple of galoots bash each other
senseless, knowing that by patronizing such a sport, one is actually
encouraging these behaviours. Besides, the matches that are videotaped
and archived are those in which the contestants *were* evenly matched
and enthusiastic.

Where I wanted to go with this notion is that our human natures do have
a darker side, and perhaps we as extropians have not fully dealt with
the fact. At least I have not. Boxing is about as unextropian as can be
imagined, for there is good evidence that brain damage results from a
long career in this particular sport, which is likely unrepairable.

What if one is extropian yet secretly enjoys such brutal displays of
raw strength, courage and stupidity? spike

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