Re: kathryn's comments

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Thu Sep 16 1999 - 22:01:05 MDT

> Edgar W Swank wrote: ...With modern weapons women are roughly
> equal in fighting ability to men. They even serve in the armed
> forces of the USA, even in some combat roles.

Have you seen women's boxing? Holy schlaMOLY these young
ladies are tough! Unlike the men, who play as one would expect
from those participating in a damanding and perhaps brutal sport,
the ladies play as if they would like to kill each other. Perhaps it
is a selection thing too: only the most... enthusiastic women go
into the sport, whereas many young men box just because it is
the thing to do.

I will gaze into my crystal ball, extrapolate on all the extreme
sports that are coming into fashion, and predict that within
5 years, we will see intergender boxing. Furthermore, if the
contestants are matched pound for pound, I suspect the
women will make quite a respectable showing, and god
help the man who underestimates his opponent. spike

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