Re: Mother Nature

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Sep 16 1999 - 11:46:35 MDT

From: "David Lubkin" <>

>Come on, folks. This is a crowd that casually discusses melting
>planets over school vacation and who will bring the dip to a party
>10 billion years from now. Rise to the challenge.

Heh, heh....

>How would you dissipate a Category 5 hurricane so it doesn't
>destroy some artifact you are sentimental about, like the Statue
>of Liberty? How would you divert it? How long does it take to
>spread cometary ice pellets (Anders/Barnes)?

Okay, I suppose you could disrupt even a force 5 hurricane with a
nuke of sufficient power, if there was sufficient need, drop in in
the center of the eye maybe, or against one of the walls, might not
even need a megaton range weapon. The problem is off course the
fallout. The interesting part is that in the eye, the wall of the
hurricane would actually act to contain the blast.......hmmmmm

<sound of scribbling on envelope or napkin>

The dry ice idea has some merit too, you might not need cometary
levels if you tried to intervene early enough, maybe a supertanker
full with a spreader like a Chicago salt truck.......hmmmmmm

<more scribbling>

The key to determining when is local info, weather buoys in the
hurricane belt, planes dropping those minature remote sensor
packages, a "Deep Thunder" weather processor....


Member, Extropy Institute,
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
Mars Society,
Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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