Re: violence...

Date: Thu Sep 16 1999 - 01:04:57 MDT

In a message dated 9/15/99 11:08:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> I would be glad to receive any help and information on
> the causes (and methods of reducing) violence as
> possible.

    interisting. do you think that violence is inherently bad? as a martial
artist (and i know at least several others on this list are also), i really
must say that violence isnt inherently any worse then antibiotics, or a
hammer. its a tool, like money, influence, or a pair of tweezers. tools (and
violence is a most abstractly defined tool) can not be good or bad. what they
are going to do, and whats done with them, is what value judgements are based
    what kind of violence are you talking about, anyway? what angle are you
coming at this from? domestic violence? animal cruelty? gun control?* murder?
killing in general? systematic killing in general (war)? or just
suffering-states of all sorts?
    ive gotta say it: i think that the most efficient, real-world-doable, way
to cut down on violence of all 31 flavors would be to legalize pot, followed
shortly by various other victemless crimes... </rant>

"having to work is almost by definition an intellectual shortcoming" --
transtopian principles (i dig that lots, otter)


* no, im not trying to start something! its a legit question. please dont
induce suffering-states on me for this, dammit... they would be undeserved,
and most unproductive.

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