Re: stuff that shouldn't exist into the next century

Date: Wed Sep 15 1999 - 01:38:10 MDT

In a message dated 09/14/1999 7:51:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< --- tim cavanaugh <> wrote:
> I'm writing a story for Wired magazine on
> items that should be discontinued in the
> 21st century - a "Leave It Behind" list.
> I'd be interested to know what people in
> this group believe should be abandoned
> for the next millenium. Can be ideas,
> institutions, countries, people,
> companies, religious beliefs, assumptions,
> or anything else you think is so bad,
> obsolete, irrelevant, dangerous or just
> annoying that the human race would be
> better off kissing it goodbye. Please
> take this opportunity to vent your
> rage against the past, the present, or
> the future. Thanks >>

War (there's a concept who's time has passed)
The Amish
Those grotesquely over sized bell bottoms
The Simpsons (maybe not Homer)
Polka music
The phrase "You go girl"
Those horrendous teeny bopper girlie bands
Slasher flix
Plaid pants
People on TV who claim to have been probed by aliens (the hard way)
The "Sassy black woman" and or "Wacky neighbor" formula in every TV sitcom
The concept of can't be done
Award shows
And Le Vita Loca


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