Re: ...aluminum foil on the walls...

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Wed Sep 15 1999 - 00:48:05 MDT

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Gina Miller wrote:

> It makes you wonder about the human psyche. (twilight zone
> music plays in the background- collective consciousness) anyways, I use
> mirrors for various purposes, however not one of them are these, the same
> goes for aluminum foil.

Ok, since this discussion seems to have decayed away into nothing
substantial whatsoever, I will admit that my apartment in Moscow
*does* have aluminum foil over most of the windows! Since the
apartment faces south, this seems to be the only way to keep the
apartment cool in the summer in a city where air conditioning
barely exists. It also presumably has the side effect of making
the laser-listening devices employed by various security agencies
(KGB/FSK/CIA/?) less effective because the aluminium foil taped
to the inside of the windows significantly distorts the sound

I can see the headlines now... Extropians believe aluminium foil
over the windows of your home protects from Alien Influence...

Help, I'm buried in mis-memes and I can't get up.


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