Re: >H strange but true

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Tue Sep 14 1999 - 19:35:22 MDT

At 03:54 PM 9/14/99 +0000, Damien wrote:

>I was startled, and of course pleased, to find that my book THE LAST MORTAL
>GENERATION has reached the top of the science bestsellers list in NEW
>SCIENTIST magazine for 4 September. Granted, this was a Top 10 list
>generated from Australia only (they sample different countries each

This is wonderful Damien! Congratulations.



Natasha Vita-More:
**NOW the book is available! _Create/Recreate: The Third Millennial Culture_**
Organizations: Transhumanist Arts Centre - Home of Extropic Art:
                Transhuman Culture InfoMark:
                Natasha Vita-More Productions
"We are transhumans ..." Meme Orbits Saturn in 2004!

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