Re: Genderless societies [was Re: kathryn's comments]

Date: Tue Sep 14 1999 - 01:59:01 MDT

In a message dated 9/12/99 5:18:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> > In a message dated 9/11/99 7:04:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > > I live in New Hampshire, where men are in touch with their manly
> > > as they should be.
> >
> > awwwwwwwwwwww shit... now maybe im somehow misinterpeting
> > something, or maybe im blowing this way out of proportion; maybe
> > im being the evil pc police, or maybe this is bait, or maybe there
> > is an implied wink after the above... but maybe not. mike, i love ya
> > n all, but geez us h; how is the above supposed to be taken?
> As opposed to the feminization of men? You don't need to "be in touch
> with your feminine side" to be a caring, considerate person. All this
> 'feminine side' crap is just that: a memetic tactic to castrate men and
> change the game so it is played the way women want to play it, not the
> way its always been played.

    alright, i know its been a couple of days, but it was sitting in my
outbox: what relevence does "being a caring, considerate person" have,
exactly? and do you have some kind of problem with self-castration? if i
could efficiently be free of my hardwiring, i would agree completly with
elizier when he said "intelligence is all that matters". primative castration
(what weve got today) is obviously not an option, but what i want is for my
sexuality (all emotions, actually) to be a switch, naa, make that a slider
bar, in my head. then i could castrate myself every time the little
testosterone gauge in the bottom-left corner of my field of vision went to
red, if i thought it was necessary... you seem to think thats somehow wrong.
    and do "women" have a specific agenda that they intend to carry out? is
this the same kind of unity attributed by some to the "gummint"? and is "the
way its always been played" somehow a good thing? my "us-vs-them" meter is
off the scale...
    side note: wouldnt it kick ass to have the equivalent of the *nix "top"
command constantly running just inside ones peripheral vision? and a blood
chemistry monitor... arrrrrrrrr... o well; there probably not exactly new

"in one ear and out your mother" -- seen on a soundgarden lyric sheet


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