Re: Genderless societies [was Re: kathryn's comments]

From: Elizabeth Childs (
Date: Sun Sep 12 1999 - 16:58:19 MDT

From: Spike Jones <>

> Someone mentioned that it is dangerous. Was that Elizabeth
> Childs? How is it dangerous? Would my sex drive go away?
> What if I took *both* male and female hormones simultaneously?
> What if I took estrogen and viagra? Is there an online study
> group fooling with these questions? spike

If you really want to try being a girl, the easiest and safest way is to try
being a transvestite. I went to a "come as a girl, whether you are one or
not" party a few years ago and was surprised to see one of my hairiest, most
aggressive male friends daintily sipping tea and dishing out the most catty

Spike, if you're interested in gender issues, I strongly suggest you spend
more time in San Francisco and particularly the Castro. I would try calling
the San Francisco Sex Information Hotline and ask them if there are any
resources for straight men who would like to become more educated about
gender bending issues. Also, you might want to think about auditing a human
sexuality class at SFSU night school; I recommend Dr. John Elia. His class
is never dull.

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